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How do I request a W-9 form from Seigler Technologies?

Unfortunately, we no longer provide our W-9 for public download on our website. Whether you need a W-9 for tax reporting or vendor setup, there are a few ways to request a W-9 form from Seigler Technologies:


  • Contact your Seigler Technologies representative: Reach out to your account executive or contact person you work with directly. They can provide you with a W-9 form or guide you on how to obtain one.
  • Email or call the Seigler Technologies accounting department: If you can't find the information through your contact, directly contact the accounting department via email [email protected] or call (844) 734-4537 and select the billing option. They can assist you with your W-9 request.

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If you still can't find an answer to what you're looking for, or you have a specific question, open a new ticket and we'd be happy to help!

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